Smart school 📂📄
Smart school is located near Sochi Train station, right in the centre of Sochi. There are a lot of fast food restaurants where we can have lunch . Smart school is a private school with proper education system. This school was founded in 2015, and this year it will celebrate their anniversary. School's teachers do a fantastic job ensuring each child is not left behind in education. I think we have enough school facilities, but it could be even better if we had more chemical equipment for our Chemistry Lessons.💥🧨🌋 I think learning process in our school is very good and structured. Our books correspond to the educational standard of Russia. By the way, we have a lot of extracurricular activities. For example, we often go to museums and art galleries with our class teacher. That can be funny and exciting, even if you don’t like going in place like that. My favourite teacher is MISS ANNA, MY FAVOURITE TEACHER FOREVER. 💗💗💗💖💖💓She’s very funny, wonderful, thoughtful and communicative. Her lessons are great fun and productive. She has good sense of humor. ☕️🇬🇧 She also do extra lessons with me, and i love them so much!
Also i love our Biology teacher Natalia ALEXANDROVNA🧫☣️🥼👩🔬🧬🔬🧪
She has very good knowledge and she’s very talented. 🐝
I would recommend out school to everyone. Smart school is a school where you can have great fun combined with proper education. I adore Smart school because it is where I learn how to be a good citizen and how to reach my goals. School is the only place where we make friends without judging them. We feel comfortable spending time with those close friends no matter what the situation.💓😍😍🥰🥰🥰😘😘💞💞💓💓🛐🛐
В целом аэропорт хороший , не нравится что в зоне ожидания нету фастфудов , например тем кто летит через трансфер , в час пик бывает негде сидеть , туалеты грязные и вечно закрыты , очереди большие.
Все понравилось , отличный банкет , остались с приятными эмоциями , особенно хотим отметить работника лысого , приятный , вежливый и очень ответственный.
Ужасный магазин , работники относятся с высокомерием , меня они заставили сразу же покинуть магазин , хотя мне 14 лет , деньги тоже у меня есть , да даже если бы и не было , они не имеют право меня выгонять.