I use it for daily shopping. Quite an easy place. Prices are compatible and goods are full of all varieties. I recommend going there.
There is parking for your cars.
Nice food. Very strong. As I like Beshbarmoq.
The staff is quick. The interior is well decorated, you can take your guests there. Also good for tourists.
Very nice place. Quite. The meat is so delicious. I recommend visiting family and friends. The price is good. The meat and design is very nice! Thanks to the chef and other staff.
Narxi va sifati yaxshi. Kundalik ovqatlanish uchun qulay. Kam boʻlsa ham avtoulov uchun joy bor. Taomlari koʻp. Togʻora uchun somsasi va kabobi juda zoʻr.
Juda ajoyib toʻyxona. Yangi dizayn. Ochiq rang. Yorugʻ. Musiqa ovozi qulay, baland shift boʻlgani uchun charchamaysiz. Rasm va video olsa chiroyli chiqadi.