Один из самых комфортных по цене отелей «высокой» категории у самой живописной набережной города.
Несмотря на очень приятную цену - отель мало что может предложить, кроме локации.
Грубый персонал на рецепшоне - такой уровень английского в центре Шанхая это смешно.
Потасканные ковры в номерах и самом отеле, кровати маленькие и неудобные. Телевизор - доисторический. Освещение в номерах либо ниже минимума, либо как на операционном столе.
Из приятного могу выделить разве что цену и высокое качество расходников (шампуни, крема и тд)
I mean, best view of the city for a small fee and great infrastructure all around (park, restaurant, cafe, sightseeing wheel) it serves its purpose and does it well.
It’s just a good hotel, great service all around, perhaps it’s not the most modern, not the most luxurious and not the trendiest one, but it’s Radisson and it holds up to the brand
Although the range and assortment could be larger - the shop is great for buying cured meat and fish as well as top-shelf alcohol and higher quality cooking products. Novelty things like snacks and their own coffee bar are also there!
Crowded, a lot of very rude youth. However it is expected from a shopping mall. The location is convenient and choice of shops sufficient- nice place with good subway access
Fastest passport control and luggage check I’ve ever been too. High professionalism and dedication! Great choice of places to eat too, and smoking rooms are a pleasant surprise nowadays
The food quality is good and features a lot of interesting plays at Georgian cuisine.
However the seating arrangement is abhorrent. Unless you miraculously manage to score an outside table - you’re going to be pushed, shoved, enjoy stuff spilled on you and constantly have to scoot back to let people through.