Airport collection took some time, the young company representative had problems to find us despite precise location given. Deposit amount turned out to be higher than in the booking which was explained by dollar value change in the recent weeks. This of course does not justify an equivalent of over a 100 eur higher deposit. The car and instructions were fine (it was the same car that picked us up for the airport). 2 month later received 2 fines per post from Armenian police. One for speeding (did not notice 80 to 60 km/h sign change in the dark), another for parking at the airport. Since we got picked up from the airport, the fine was related to the company representative action, who parked in front of the entrance while looking for us. Contacted car rental company immediately, promised to look into it. After 20 days of messaging and calling, promises that they will pay the fine soon (which was as low as 12 EUR), nothing happened. Instead of admitting the mistake, a comment was made that it took 10 minutes to find us at the airport. Regardless of duration, parking and stopping is prohibited where the driver stopped.
In the end I paid for their mistake myself. Glad that there were no more serious issues to solve as obviously the company does not know at all how to solve anything. Zero understanding in customer service. Despite low prices, you might get to pay more than planned as scam seems to be part of the business.