У меня приятный опыт работы с компанией. Я для своей компании заказывал здесь 700 единиц коробок. Делал это через сайт, там быстро обработали заявку (в течение 20 минут) и мне позвонил менеджер, сказал, когда можно будет забирать. Всё максимально просто и понятно. Коробки забрали в этот же день. Коробки как коробки, картон толстый
Понравилось отношение врача Ирмияева. Был вежлив, компетентен и честен. Сразу сказал, какие варианты, какой стоимости. Ничего не выкручивал и не навязывал. Люблю такой подход к работе
Hey there! I got my visa approved today F1 in Uzbekistan. Questions were easy to answer the consular was friendly and nice, he was rejecting all the ppl before me, Even some people were telling me try to not go to number 9 consular cuz he is rejecting everyone, but i was lucky enough to have an interview with him and getting my visa approved. Thank you guys for your help! (Can’t remember all) Question:
1. Is there any specific reason choosing this university?
2. What my cousin does?
3. Family background (parents)
4. What my sponsor does?
5. How many universities i applied?
6. About my high school
7. Which programming language i like? (Cuz my major is Computer Science)
When i told him I got a scholarship from this uni, he asked to see my Admission latter!
1. What kind of scholarship i got?
2. Why Texas?
Those questions is not by order, i just wrote what i can remember from the interview. Convo started with warm greetings! I was super calm and confident, my answers weren’t short or long. After all he said “Good, I am going to Approve your visa