Добрый вечер) мой сын ходит в этот садик недавно, отзывы положительные.Сын доволен, когда прихожу забирать всегда весёлый и активный,не хочет уходить.есть видео наблюдение.Администратор всегда на связи.Еду можно выбрать, если ребенок аллергик.Лояльные часы приема детей в сад.Рекомендую 👌
Good evening) my son has been going to this kindergarten recently, the reviews are positive. My son is happy, when I come to pick him up he is always cheerful and active, he doesn’t want to leave. There is video surveillance. The administrator is always in touch. You can choose food if the child is allergic. Loyal reception hours for children to the garden. I recommend 👌
A relatively new establishment near Novokuznetskaya with a pleasant, calm and authentic interior. A team of chefs from Vietnam is working on preparing the dishes and I traditionally order a portion of FoBo for myself, and sit at a table in the corner to get a better look in more detail, and the window faces the street