Наконец-то нашёл себе хорошую стрижку! Вернее сказать, в поисках мне помогла добрая парикмахерша Алла. Очень ей благодарен. Оставили хохолок, чтобы он отрос и это было правильным решением. Остальные парикмахеры просто срубали и он продолжал торчать. Что касается помещения, то минимализм наше всё! Было максимально приятно сидеть. Кресло не сковывало движения. Честно, пока делали стрижку, хотелось уснуть от такой заботы к моим волосам
There are many different bar and restaurants in Novosibirsk but i want to access good and bad points of "Gossips".It's a great bar and restaurant.Unfortunately, the bar is located only in one place in Novosibirsk. The bar-restaurant is positioned only on high-class dishes and drinks. in the bar you can find dishes such as Rigatoni pasta with seafood, confit duck on mashed potatoes, Thai soup with crispy seafood and much more. And the list does not focus on hot dishes and soups alone, because there are various drinks, salads and desserts on the menu of the institution. As for the average receipt, a starter with soup, hot and a drink will cost 2,300 rubles, but I consider this a reasonable price, since the products are fresh and selected, and also cooked with special grace. As for the staff, I liked everything. the quality of service is excellent, the employees and staff smiled, greeted me and escorted me off. all the food was brought to me in a record 15 minutes. The tables were clean, and there was a pleasant smell in the bar itself, as if an angel had descended to earth.There are always great shows in the bar-restaurant, and selected music is playing. But do not forget about the main feature - the owner of the restaurant, Anna Asti herself, is a popular and my favorite singer. Initially, I went to the restaurant only because of her, but after visiting there, I realized that I would definitely come back again, because I did not feel such an atmosphere anywhere else. I will definitely recommend the Gossip bar-restaurant among my friends and recommend it to you.