I rarely give bad reviews but these guys really got under my skin.
In short: they recalled the car I was driving because they needed to renew the registration and they charged me as if I came back earlier than the end of rent voluntarily. This is ridiculous. Because of this deduction, I was given 2x less than I should have been if the days were deducted on a pro-rata basis, which is considerable, given this was a long term rental.
In detail: this was actually what we agreed for with one of their managers!! He mentioned that the car MAY need to get the registration renewed and I will be reimbursed should this happen. But of course, this should be (at least) on a pro-rata basis or better - as this interfered a lot with our travel plans.
Upon car return, they lied to me on 2 occasions: (1) that they viewed the camera recording of my conversation when I was taking the car, and the manager told me that I will HAVE to return a car earlier than the term I booked it for (100% lie - I would NEVER rent in this case as I was traveling far from Serbia. Of course, they refused to rewatch this recording with me present); and - (2) that I confirmed I will extend the rent and they couldn’t rent this car to someone else because of that - I was never ever asked if I want to extend.
And the best part - they mentioned that should I informed them 48 hours before the car return I am not “extending”, then I avoid being charged a penalty, and (of course) no-one has EVER mentioned this to me and we were on the constant contact over at least 5 days before the return date… It all sounds like a bad joke. Also, I was asking many times if I could talk to management - to which I got many negative answers. Not sire for Serbia, but in many countries this would be seen as consumer rights violation…
If this happens in such occasions, I can’t see where it will not… you are bound to be ripped off. Also, car quality and condition was plainly poor - I got a “check engine” alarm throughout all my rental - and engine actually was sounding weirdly, so thanks god it didn’t break down at all. I actually had to get under the hood to check the liquids level upon their suggestions (photos attached). Car smelled of cigarettes. And it was pretty old and basic - probably around 4-5x of the price I paid for my rental oveall.
Не рекомендую. Сутки получились 4400 за грэвел. Брал на 4 часа изначально, озвучил молодому человеку, что могу взять на сутки - как выяснилось по возвращении, если вы возвращаете с «опазданием», доп часы тарифицируются намного дороже, чем обычно, а тариф поменять уже нельзя. Естественно, мне это никто не озвучил
Примерно год назад делал лазерную коррекцию по технологии SMILE у доктора Кожухова. Пока все замечательно, уж точно не жалею что наконец решился делать. Доктора посоветовали два врача независимо друг от друга, что также прибавило уверенности. Качество некоторых вещей (чтение с удаленного экрана, вождение в темноте) чувствуется как «до» и «после». Из минусов - разве что левый глаз на сильном ветру (например, в условиях велогонки) стал ощущать сухость чуть сильнее чем до операции, но об этом забываешь, не успев и подумать)
Был у двух врачей на профгигиену (последний раз у Виктории Бондарь) – оба раза все просто супер, и быстро и не больно (что для ультразвука редкость), и за разумные деньги. Второй раз приняли и все сделали по высшему классу даже несмотря на значительное опоздание :)