Может это так принято тут, но я устал фоткать повреждения машины перед тем, как ее взять. Ну реально все криво, кроме салона. Пробег под 200000, износ резины разный, бачек для воды пустой. Мне кажется такие машины уже не стоит давать клиентам. Плюс про 100000 на мойку в конце не сказали, но взяли. Надеюсь залог вернут ...
Superb. 2 of rented bikes did well during Tengri bike 50, no problems. You can install what ever you want, just return bike in good shape, price is reasonable. Location is superb.
It was kind of expensive, but location is great. Water was not really hot, no heating, but it was 2 cold unexpectedly... Careful to go there with kids, because it seems it used for short visits as well. Very friendly persons, helping a lot with our needs. Breakfast is very poor for such price. Room conditions are moderate. It is not quite place.
Booked in one location but for some reason changed to another unsuitable location. Waste of time and money. Be careful, this hotel have many ghost copies in city