My friends and I visited this place yesterday evening. The atmosphere is really nice, featuring wooden tables and chairs along with traditional paintings. There was loud music for about 20 minutes because a group of locals was celebrating something, but then it was turned off. The staff is friendly and efficient. Our waitress spoke Russian, so there were no issues with placing our order. She also answered all our questions, which was really helpful. We were served quickly compared to many other places in Georgia; all dishes arrived as soon as they were prepared.
The quality of the food was nice. I tasted chanakhi (lamb stew with vegetables in a pot), meat salad (well-cooked pieces of beef with tomatoes, bell pepper, mayo, and spices), Georgian salad (onions, tomatoes, cucumbers, and a sauce with walnuts), and compote. The chanakhi was fantastic and looked very authentic in the clay pot. The rest of the meal was quite good too. The prices were reasonable. My friends mentioned that the khinkali were a bit specific but still enjoyable, while the kebab meat was somewhat tough. The restaurant didn’t have any desserts that evening, but that was fine. Tips aren’t included in the bill, so it’s up to you to leave something for the waitstaff.
Wasting Time and Money
My friends and I visited "Weller" on the night of July 18th to celebrate my birthday. I’d heard many good reviews about this place, especially regarding the quality of its cheesecake.
The restaurant lacked a host to greet us and show us to our table, which was surprising given the restaurant's reputation.
Our group consisted of 6 people, and we all made our orders at the same time. A young waiter with a short haircut (whose name I forgot) took our orders, and then we began to wait. After about 10 minutes, another pair sat near us and made their order.
Our waiter brought my friends 2 glasses of juice out of the 3 we ordered, as well as 1 cocktail. Additionally, he forgot to bring me a bottle of still water. One friend of mine and I waited for another 5 minutes, but we still didn't receive our beverages. I asked another waitress (I believe her name was Solome) to bring us our drinks. She instructed the young waiter to do so, but he initially tried to give our drinks to another table before returning to us. At the same time, our neighbors received their drinks promptly and without any troubles.
Later, we received hummus, which was quite good, along with the bread that accompanied it. We then waited for our main courses. All the surrounding tables received their dishes and drinks, but our group did not. The neighboring couple received their three courses without any delay, while we were left eating bread and hummus.
After about 35 minutes, we were served with 2 out of the 4 kebab dishes we had ordered. I asked Solome if they had forgotten our order, and she assured me that they had not and that we needed to wait. During this time, four other tables in our section were served with all their drinks and dishes. One of my friends received his meal a few minutes later. After 20 minutes, I was extremely frustrated with the service and angrily asked the waiter about the delay with the last meal. He informed me that we would have to wait an additional 7 minutes. Ten minutes later, I asked him again about the last meal and was told that we would have to wait just 2 more minutes. Finally, after waiting for 1 hour and 45 minutes, my friend received his chicken dish! It's hard to understand why it would take so long to cook chicken.
Following this poor service, we decided not to order anything else, including their cheesecake. We paid for our meal and left.
The staff were friendly but incredibly inefficient. I have never experienced such poor service where waiters couldn't manage to bring all the drinks at once for a party of 6 and distribute them correctly to those who ordered them.
The service was terrible. Despite taking almost 2 hours to serve 6 people with 5 drinks and 5 dishes, the restaurant managed to serve other tables more efficiently. It was frustrating to watch some in our group have to wait while others ate. I cannot comprehend what the issue was. It’s unbelievable!
The prices were high, and I couldn't understand why we had to pay so much. Five drinks and five dishes cost us about 230 GEL.
The thought of visiting that place again is my idea of hell.
Хожу в этот центр с 2015 года. Очень рад, что, когда принимал решение о донорстве, выбрал именно его. Помимо того, что за 9 лет наблюдал, как сам центр становится лучше: регулярно делают ремонты, меняют двери, заменяют мебель; также наблюдаю, как совершенно не меняется отношение к донорам: чрезвычайно приветливый и отзывчивый персонал, прекрасные врачи и медсестры, нянечки, разливающие чай, бухгалтер, охрана. С первого момента, уже в гардеробе, чувствуешь, что ты здесь - желанный гость. В моей жизни было не очень много таких государственных организаций.
В последний раз сдал кровь 23 марта после событий в «Крокусе». За день прошло не меньше 300 человек. Персонал все организовал настолько удобно, насколько они смогли: как можно больше людей старались запускать в здание, чтобы люди не мерзли на улице; охрана проверяла порядок; кажется, работали вообще все медсестры и врачи.
Огромное уважение всему персоналу.
Если вы раздумываете, где сдавать кровь, выбирайте МОЦК - вам действительно будет комфортно.
Нотариус уполномочен на выплату компенсаций по акциям АВВА (Автомобильного общества). Предоставил по почте всю необходимую информацию, принял акции по почте, деньги зачислил в течение рабочего дня. Оставил самое доброжелательное впечатление.
Очень любим это место. Всегда отзывчивый и приятный персонал. Меню иногда меняется, но фобо всегда очень вкусный, как и жареный рис. Рекомендуем всем, кто любит приятную атмосферу, вкусную еду и отзывчивый персонал.
Останавливались на 2 ночи. Очень чисто и уютно. Дружелюбный и отзывчивый персонал. Комната небольшая, но очень комфортная. Новая современная мебель. Есть и сейф, и стиральная машинка, и микроволновка, и печка, и фен. Даже зубную пасту и щетку выдают. Чрезвычайно довольны, что остановились именно здесь.
Очень хорошее место. Были на концерте и успели посмотреть небольшой фрагмент выставки. Концепция внутреннего пространства, освещение - все на высоком уровне. Рад, что место функционирует. В свое время делал небольшое пожертвование на восстановление креста.
Хорошая насыщенная экспозиция. Много редких и ценных вещей. Для детей - много интерактивных экспонатов. Были с экскурсией: за час коротко и емко рассказали об истории развития российских денег. К сожалению, имя экскурсовода не запомнил. К несчастью, не работают с ICOM, пришлось платить за билеты, но стоимость не очень высокая.
Были на самостоятельном осмотре. Пользовались информационными стендами и открытым путеводителем. Сначала напрягло ограничение по времени, но в конце концов стало понятно, что это правильная система: позволяет сосредоточиться на наиболее важных и интересных вещах. Предметов много, самому ориентироваться сложно, плюс стоит понимать контекст эпохи, но навигация, экспозиция, подбор экспонатов, освещение - все на высочайшем уровне. Очень понравилось. Особенно зал с знаменитыми яйцами - потрясающе.