Our family has been to Bali 5 times already, and very often spends their vacation traveling. And this was the worst experience in our lives. We lived in the Hendrix villa, and we constantly heard at night that someone was climbing around our villa. We wrote to the staff about this. They said that they were animals. But the worst thing happened on the last night, before our departure. While we were sleeping in our room with our small child, someone climbed into our house and stole all the money and jewelry. I am glad that we are all safe and sound. And nothing was done to us. When we looked and found that everything was stolen, we wrote to the manager. She said that they are not responsible for anything, I asked to call the police. But they said that they needed evidence to call the police, and that our time was up and it was time for us to leave the villa. and after that we wrote to them whether they looked at the cameras, and no one else answered us. If you don’t want to ruin your vacation, run away from them, it’s terrible.
Постоянно пользуюсь услугами транспортных компаний , но самая наиужаснейшая Это жилдорэкспедиция . Принимают груз и он лежит у них на складе неделями . И вот сейчас перед Новым годом заказал новогодний товар из Китая оплатил дорогую , авиа доставку до Москвы , а из Москвы по ошибке очередной раз отправили жилдор , номер ТТН 2252-1821-9197-0213 , и вот после завтра Новый год а товар лежит у них на складе уже 6 день , и в Казань даже не собирается . Я не понимаю , для чего они принимают товар на отправку если Отправить они его не могут? Почему они не предупреждают при приёме что у них загруженность , и что товар будет все это время лежать у них .