Очень и очень вкусно! Грибы и картошка меня покорили! Пробовала также форель и курицу, рекомендую.
Можно поесть в кафе, а также могут завернуть с собой.
Normally, I don’t write reviews but in this case I’m very surprised by the rating of this please. Let me share my experience (mostly negative):
1. The staff didn’t pay attention to my existence. I’ve been waiting for them to take an order for 20 minutes, and only after a reminder they came to the table (it took 10 more minutes btw). They were checking two times after to confirm the order itself which is weird… maybe it makes sense to take notes.
2. Egg white in the Benedict was absolutely uncooked. Disgusting.
Although the coffee and pumpkin were good, and I really enjoyed the interior but it didn’t worth 45 minutes of waiting in total - super disappointed.
Сервис отвратительный. Консультанты - хамки. Пришла в приподнятом расположении духа, однако отношение сотрудников отбило на корню любое желание что-либо покупать. Не советую.