Troubling Safety Breaches by Judi Travel A Warning for All Cooperators!
Judi Travel is unsafe company, unsafe drivers and company management.
I appeal to all who cooperate or intend to cooperate with Judi Travel, a travel company based in Georgia.
Recent occurrences involving this companys clients compel me to share deeply troubling information.
Throughout my career within the tourism sector, I have encountered various challenges. However, the experiences of Judi Travels clients surpass acceptable boundaries.
I am referring to systematic breaches of ethical conduct and safety protocols.
Specifically, numerous complaints have surfaced regarding the companys drivers.
Furthermore, the companys management displays a complete disregard for these occurrences, having been aware of this drivers. Despite repeated requests, the companys owners have failed to address this issue and safeguard their reputation.
I strongly advise all who value their reputation and the safety of their clients to avoid cooperation with Judi Travel.
The site rules do not allow me to describe the problem in detail, so you can write to me personally if you want to know more details about this company.
Warm and Best Regards.