Spa-markaz (yopiq basseyn, sauna, fitness-zal).
Biznes markazi va konferensiyalar uchun zamonaviy jihozlangan zallar.
Lumiere va Bahçıvan restoranlari, mos ravishda Yevropa va turk taomlari bilan mashhur.
Xizmat sifati:
"Xodimlarning xizmati yuqori darajada. Kutib olish va xizmat ko‘rsatish juda a'lo."
"Xavfsizlikdan tortib boshqaruvgacha hamma narsa mukammal!"
Mercure Tashkent katta va shinam xonalar, zamonaviy dizayn, turli xil qulayliklar va yuqori xizmat darajasi bilan ijobiy sharhlarga ega. Agar siz zamonaviy va qulay mehmonxona izlayotgan bo‘lsangiz, bu yaxshi tanlov bo‘lishi mumkin.
I recently had the pleasure of staying at this hotel and I can confidently say it was an exceptional experience 🌟. I had a truly memorable stay at this hotel, and much of that was thanks to the exceptional service from Albert and Gulya and the top-notch facilities available. I highly recommend this hotel to anyone seeking a remarkable and enjoyable experience 😊.
I recommend for all to stay in this hotel. Very big and beautiful rooms. Good facilities. Helpful staff. Not far from the train stations and international airport.