Хинкали с Толстой ножкой, разварены
Начинка крупно порублена, мясо твердое
Обслуживание просто ужасное, при небольшой загруженности ждали официанта 15 минут, заказ несли долго
Приняли у одного человека, на другого вообще не обратили внимания
Посуда сколотая
Ценник не маленький и совсем неоправданный
Заказывали в разные дни греческий салат, харчо с говядиной, хинкали с мясом, хинкали с грибами, чихертму, суп с тремя видами грибов, мясо ягнянка в глиняном горшочке с овощами, лимонад из лимона с мятой, ягодный лимонад. Все было подано своевременно, выглядело красиво и аппетитно, и по вкусу вкусно :)
Персонал очень аккуратный. Обслуживают как на английском, так и на русском языке.
Есть столики на улице, у столиков есть зонтики от солнца. Есть столики на крытой террасе, где можно укрыться от шума улицы, солнца, непогоды и есть столики внутри здания, если нужно спрятаться от холода зимой или жары летом.
Твердая четверка! Хорошая терраса, понравилось обслуживание, хорошая сырная нарезка и вино. По кухне сказать не могу, остановились только попить вино и оно было прекрасным.
We live in Tbilisi and it was not our first visit to this place. We were here for breakfast and dinner several times. And evrth was ok and rather good. But we will never come back after this situation on August 25th:
I ordered the salad “ Beetroot salad with fried feta and Berry Dressing” it sounds interesting, doesn’t it? Not like classical Georgian salad. But when we saw this salad first I laughed - yes, I saw beetroot and smith fried but… see the photo ))) unfortunately I made the photo after we tested it and tried to find and feel BERRY dressing 😅 as u see it was beetroot phali (not tasty), yeh - they put three fried balls of some cheese and a lot of mayonnaise in the center 🤦🏼♀️ Berry dressing?! I guess it had never been even seen near this salad.
I was very polite with the waitress and asked - were is Berry dressing in this salad? She said - it is there. But I asked to check with the Chef. Then she brought us some more food we ordered but it looked as if she forgot about my question. Then I reminded her and here comes our dialogue:
Me “Did you clear up the situation with Berry dressing?”
Waitress “Yes, it is inside”
Me “I cannot see it or feel it - it tasted the salad”
Waitress “You cannot see it! It is inside! May be u don’t understand what means dressing?!”
Me “I understand what is dressing and if it were in the salad I would feel it”
Waitress “How you can feel it and understand the taste of berries?!”
Me “Because I tried different tastes in different countries and I used to be Chef myself and it is easy to feel this or that ingredient in any salad”
Waitress “May be but it was in other countries not in Georgia! Here we cook it like this! And u cannot feel this dressing!”
What?! Seriously?! Then you can write “pancakes with black caviar and cream” and bring pancakes with mayonnaise and said the same - caviar is somewhere inside u just cannot feel it cause u r not in your country! U r in Georgia.
Finita la comedy - she left after these words. I am sure our conversation was heard by administrators (the woman in red and some man looked at our table several times) but no one came to explain the situation. I would never pay for such lies and dish but my husband (he is Georgian by the way) didn’t want to Escalate the conflict. And we just continued to enjoy our evening.
Message to Kala cafe: you lie to the guests and give Unreliable information in the menu. If you don’t use Berry dressing but use 100 grams of mayonnaise in the salad you should call it “beetroot salad with mayonnaise, Nuts and greens».
Don’t treat your guests like stupid people.